Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Last week, the 2nd annual Detroit Go Red Goes STEM event took place at the Michigan Science Center on Monday, April 23rd, with Ruby+Associates Structural Engineers as Presenting Sponsor. Tricia Ruby, CEO and president of Ruby+Associates, also served as Chair. The day-long American Heart Association event supports empowering young women to take control of their health and to consider a career in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM).
Go Red Goes STEM aims to inspire female students of the Detroit Public Schools Community District (DPSCD) to explore STEM outside the classroom, and embrace a heart healthy lifestyle. Some of Detroit’s leading STEM-focused companies showcased their innovative work and introduced the students to unique, real world career paths in STEM. “The lack of minority women in STEM fields, particularly engineering, is alarming.” said Ruby, who holds an Industrial Engineering degree from Purdue University. “Women in STEM earn 35 percent more than women in non-STEM fields. By exposing this group of talented young women to the world of STEM and its opportunities, we hope to inspire them to see what’s possible. We really want them to walk away knowing that they can achieve a rewarding career in STEM.”
The Michigan Science Center (MiSci) served as host to the event, exposing students to STEM at every turn. The young women were welcomed to the event with a dynamic kick-off presentation by Dr. Tonya Matthews, Michigan Science Center CEO and president. “It is critical that young women have exciting and authentic STEM experiences which increase their interest, confidence and skill sets in STEM,” said Dr. Tonya Matthews, president and CEO of MiSci. “The Michigan Science Center is focused on creating education programs, exhibits and initiatives that enable us to empower and enrich all children and all communities with STEM.”
The day brought 120 DPSCD freshmen, sophomore and junior girls to MiSci, and featured breakout sessions with STEM-related companies; speed mentoring with STEM leaders, and the opportunity to make lasting connections with companies and women leaders. A group of Ruby+Associates female engineers and the firm’s controller engaged in a panel discussion that focused on education and career challenges and solutions. In addition, the day included a college fair with 11 Michigan colleges and universities represented.
30300 Telegraph Road, Suite 400Bingham Farms, MI 48025 220 Lyon Street NW, Suite 540
Grand Rapids, MI 49503