Monday, March 9, 2020
Ruby+Associates was honored on Saturday, March 7th, 2020 at 20 Monroe Live, Grand Rapids, during the American Council of Engineering Companies/Michigan annual Engineering and Surveying Excellence Awards ceremony. Ruby’s contributions to the Mackinac Bridge Paint Platforms project garnered an overall 1st runner up honor, an Engineering Honorable Conceptor Award.
As part of the five-mile long Mackinac Bridge’s first stripping and repainting in its 60+ year history, Ruby’s engineers were tasked with designing platforms to allow for removal and collection of the original lead-based paint and repainting the bridge’s 552-foot towers. Considering high winds, the design was an enclosed, lightweight space frame - a two-story movable steel and aluminum system that encircles the tower legs. At the top, a davit-like “outrigger” system supports the platforms, which travel along cables to allow painting the towers’ upper portion. Another platform with its own dual steel box truss was used to for the struts.
30300 Telegraph Road, Suite 400Bingham Farms, MI 48025 220 Lyon Street NW, Suite 540
Grand Rapids, MI 49503